Velkommen til min nettside, her finner du noen bilder og litt info om meg som fotograf. Welcome to my website, here are some pictures and some info about me as a photographer.
"The camera is an excuse to be someplace you otherwise don't belong. It gives me both a point of connection and a point of separation." Raymond is a freelance photographer stationed in eastern Norway . Specifically in Aurskog Holand . Raymond has worked for several of the major daily newspapers in Norway . Armed Forces and various advertising actors may also be mentioned . Raymond has worked under difficult conditions of war and distress to important events in the lives of others as births , confirmations and weddings. As a freelancer Raymond have had to be adaptable and structured in his profession. Through his profession Raymond got the opportunity to see different cultures and unusual way of life , which have given him insight and humility towards life and others' situation. Being a photographer is grateful and a way of living that must be cultivated , fastest and best way to get to it, is to be curious and outreach to different situations. Raymond is solution-oriented and aware of others' needs. Should you desire a different shooting in the studio or out on location please contact us . Learn to read images. When you view a piece, stop for a moment and really soak it in. This can be hard these days when we're chasing content faster than ever before. But stop, breathe and enjoy
"Nature determines age, but you determine your state of mind"